Aura cameras interpret aura
You can see what color your Aura is in real time. 2 pages
You can see what all of your Chakra's energy looks like in real time. 4 pages
Now you can see your Aura in real time. Aura cameras interpret aura-chakra energy by taking electronic readings of your hand. Aura imaging software processes the data from the hand reading and translates it into visually-engaging graphs and charts. It gives you the necessary tools to comprehend aura-chakra energy and chi-energy flow, so that you can chart out a path toward improved personal wellness. To make positive changes to your life.
This will tell you about your chakra balance, color wheel/yin-yang, relaxation, spirit, body and mind, and energy level graph. To see in live time. 6 pages
You will receive the Aura picture of yourself, Chakra picture, graphs of your energy, and a description on your personality. 5 pages
All packages $30.00 each. Buy 2 packages $50.00, Buy 3 packages $75.00, Buy 4 packages $100.00